A new lease on life for the National library “Encyclopédie” de Diderot et d’Alembert
On 15 June, the National library of Malta unveiled its fully restored “Encyclopédie”, 28 volumes by 18th century “lumières” philosophers Diderot et d’Alembert. The restoration work was carried out by the Library in-house expert team headed by Marco Micalledd under the supervision of Jo Schiro, thanks to the generous contribution of Marie-Amélie Gleizes-Dewavrin a dedicated patron of maltese cultural heritage who previously funded through the Institute for Maltese culture the renovation of the Lobianco positivo organ which can be admired in the Wignacourt Museum and the restoration of St Cathaldus church in Rabat. The 4 years Encyclopédie project was initiated by Monique Chambers association “The New Leaf” in collaboration with the National Library enthusiastic team. Donald Briffa, executive secretary of “New Leaf” and administrator of the National Library described the technique used for the restoration in the National library own workshops. French Ambassador Béatrice le Fraper du Hellen recalled “that the Encyclopédie was meant to open up culture to a larger public, at a time when it was reserved only to an elite” and stressed that “this restoration projects is a symbol of the commitment of public and private entities in Malta to pursue at all time the objective of ensuring universal access to culture”. A commemorative plaque honoring Mrs Gleizes -Dewavrin was unveiled by Mme Joanna SCIBERRAS, executive director of the National Library.